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Contact Information

Agape Village Foundation 
P. O. Box 7175
Rocky Mount, NC  27804

(252) 903-1004
Copyright 2014 Agape Village Foundation
All Rights Reserved

Why Agape Village Foundation
Our Mission
The Agape Village Foundation is a Christian nonprofit organization with the mission to provide loving care in a Christ-centered environment for orphaned and vulnerable children in Zambia, enabling them to thrive and to eventually become self-supporting adults.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." 
Matthew 19:14
The Incredible Need
The Agape Village Orphanage and Agape School is located in Zambia, Africa, which is a beautiful country. The Zambian people are incredibly beautiful in spirit but are, for the most part, very poor.  Therefore, caring for the multitudes of children orphaned by AIDS and other diseases that are prevalent in the country is a tremendous daily struggle.
Our Goals
Construction on Agape Village Orphanage was completed in 2012. The facility, which has the capacity to house 96 children, is presently home to 70 children. Agape Orphanage provides for children a safe and stable Christ-centered environment where they receive:                
      .   food   
  • clothing
  • spiritual training
  • access to education and medical care
  • access to vocational training
Board of Directors

Mary Sue Smith

Mickey Bailey
President & Co Founder

Jackie Bailey 
Vice President & Co Founder

Melissa Bynum

Gerald Batts

Charlotte High Deans

Farron Duncan

Peggy Looney

Peggy Perry

Mary Sue Smith

Richard Laney

In 2014, it is estimated that Zambia, which has a population of 15 million people, has approximately 1.5 million orphans.  This astounding statistic makes some sense when one realizes that the life expectancy in Zambia is 52 years and that the median age in the country is 17 years.

We believe that we, as Christians, are challenged to help in such situations.  James 1:27 states, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:  to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
At Agape Orphanage we now have a garden and orchard that are flourishing, making fresh vegetables and fruits an everyday part of the Agape children's diets. Also, we have cleared 20 acres of land where maize and soy beans are being grown.  Some of these crops will be used to feed the children, and some will be sold to help offset part of the expense of running Agape Orphanage.  In 2015 we harvested 20,000 pounds of corn.   

Mission Statement

The Agape Village Foundation is a Christian nonprofit organization with a mission to provide loving care in a Christ-centered environment for orphaned children in Zambia, enabling them to thrive and to eventually become self-supporting adults.